Violet, Ledge and I were on the floor, rolling a ball back and forth to each other. Ledge lost interest, so then it was just Violet and me. I told her to pretend it was a hot potato (remember that game?) and I proceeded to act like it was very, very hot. She followed suit, but sometimes held the ball for too long, so I kept saying to her, "It's HOT, Violet." After about a minute of playing, she got up, walked over to her little play kitchen, grabbed her oven mittens, put them on, then came back to play.
Now, I think that is funny. Don't you?
How cute . Tell Violet I miss her!!
She ain't no dummy!
anonymous was Anna
That is really smart. I love that little girl.
She's so smart. And I think she knew it wasn't hot, but thought "OK Grandma, if you say it's hot..."
How cute!
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