January 6, 2009

Update on the Landlord Saga

Went to court yesterday. The judge vacated the judgment that was in Tavia's favor, but there was not enough time to rehear the case. So, it has been rescheduled to March 2. The reason Lynda (the landlord) missed the last trial was because she was looking at a 2009 calendar, so she got the weekday wrong. Lynda is a total crackpot.


linnette said...

The discovery phase (out in the hallway where they looked at each others' evidence) revealed that Lynda had a receipt for a urine tester that she had purchased from PetSmart. You know she was always accusing Tavia of having a cat or dog. March 2 should be very entertaining.

SoCalT said...

She also had with her:

About 500 photos of the house. None of which looked relevant.

Receipts for cat food

The most hilarious pencil sketched diagram of the front yard (including stick figures) and about 50 matching photos numbered to represent individual bricks from the scribbling on her diagram.

3 brief cases full of jumbled paperwork.

My old floor mat

A Mexican worker covered in paint (poor guy) that was pulling all of her junk around for her.

She had stuff falling on the ground all over.

Just when I thought I was done with looking at her stacks of chaos, she went out to her car and got MORE.

Anonymous said...

Tavia, your comment is re-assuring - shows she will likely come off as some senile old bag lady (no put down of bag ladies intended! ha).

Linnette, it seems weird that the judge vacated Tavia's previous win. What's up with that? How can that even be fair? She won fair and square - so much effort and time went into it, and because this "crackpot" is off on another tagent, Tavia's former favorable outcome is thrown out? I don't understand.

