June 3, 2009

A for "Alyssa"

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Anonymous said...

That's cute!

Lisa said...

It's darling! I want to sit on a L! Or maybe hang upside down on it? Or stand on the verical line and lean against the horizontal line with my hand in my pocket? Or, maybe with my hand on my hip!


SoCalT said...

LOL - Lisa, " Or stand on the verical line and lean against the horizontal line with my hand in my pocket? "

linnette said...

Yes, Lisa, that is so funny! How about lie on your stomacy on the horizontal part of the L with your chin on your hands like you are just thinking. Or lie on your back with your feet leaning on the vertical part of the "L"


Anonymous said...

If Dad was here reading this, he wuld say"Oh for Gods sake!" ha

Anonymous said...

This is very cute! Alyssa looks very good.

Lisa said...

Those are good ones, Linnette. After I saw Alyssa on that A, I was trying to imagine all the ways that I could position myself on an L, but I never would have imagined lying on the horizontal part and resting my feet on the verticle line. I don't think.

Yeah, depending on Dad's mood, he might have said something like that, Carol, but I can also picture him getting in on it and suggesting funny ways, and us laughing so hard at him.

Lisa said...

Now let's put Tavia on a T. That'd be a hard one...

