July 20, 2009

They found the moon landing footage!

You heard that they lost or taped over the original footage of the moon landing of Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin? Well, the following footage has just been located!


Anonymous said...

I think this is so funny.

Lisa said...

I don't get it. It looks staged. Someone explain.

Anonymous said...

Lisa, it is supposed to. It is a joke, you know how NASA claims to have lost the original tape from the moon landing? Then there is this conspiracy that the moon landing never happened and was filmed in a movie studio.

Well, here is the "lost" footage. LOL. It cracks me up when that set lighting falls down.

Anonymous said...

Lisa, Lisa, Lisa

Lisa said...

Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous

carol said...

lol (Lisa and Anonymous. Funny!

