August 25, 2009

None of Your Business!

That's what I have to say about the American Community Survey we received in the mail. It is sent out to random addresses. The envelope bears these capital letters: YOUR RESPONSE IS REQUIRED BY LAW. And, the fine is $5000!

One reason they need the questions answered: "Communities need data about the well-being of children, families, and the elderly to provide services to them." OMG! No THANK YOU! [I'm from the government and I'm here to help you....]

Here are some of the things you are required to answer about each person living in the house: Name, birthdate, deaf or blind, difficulty concentrating, remembering, making decisions, climbing stairs, dressing or bathing, doing errands, visiting doctor or shopping, college degree, language, health insurance coverage, marital status, number of times married, grandchildren, and if you care for your grandchildren, your race, type of dwelling, when it was built, how long you've lived there, acreage, if there is a business in the home, how many rooms are in the home, info about toilets, showers, sinks, stove, refrigerator, telephone, how many cars, what type of fuel is used for heating the home, cost of electricity, water, sewer, did you receive food stamps, rent/mortgage payment, property taxes, armed forces history, did you work last week, where did you work, how did you get to work, what time did you leave for work, how long did it take to get to work, what were your duties in your last job, income for last 12 months, etc.

And, if we don't provide this personal information to them, we will be fined $5000! We do NOT live in a free country!


SoCalT said...

You've got to be kidding me.

SoCalT said...

What are you going to do with it?

linnette said...

This is the second one they have sent. We ignored the first one. Now they say a Census Bureau representative will contact us by phone or personal vist if we don't fill it out. Ron Paul talks about this survey:

Elsewhere on the web, someone gives this advice: When the Census Bureau field representative comes knocking on your door in order to invade your families privacy, you may want to gently remind him of the principles associated with private property ownership and point him in the direction of the shortest path OFF your property.

Any advice?

linnette said...

Comments from other people:

On April 20th, 2009 wyojimbeaux says:
When I received the First packet in the mail I was intrigued. I started filling out the form and quicly became irritated at the questions and didn’t complete it. Then I got a phone call asking about the survey. I told them I was not going to fill it out. I was informed that I was required to fill out the form and they said they I complete it over the phone. I wouldn’t do that, I had no idea who was on the line. So they sent a second packet which I ignored. They continued to call several times. I finally told them I was not going to answer their questions, there were 3 people at this residence and that was all I was giving to say. They don’t give up that easily. They are now sending “Al” to my house, 3 times so far. He leaves me notes and even calls to set up appointments. I thought I was done finally but today I received a FedEx packet, sent priority overnight with census info and a letter that says I need to answer the survey or I will be fined. It has me a bit spooked and God only knows what the government could do to you. I don’t plan on answering any in depth questions. What does amaze me is it seems they have all the time, money and resources to pursue me but no one else in my neighborhood???

On December 3rd, 2008 Realdeal says:
I have 2 envelope packets from U.S. Census Bureau sitting on my counter right now. The second one came because I ignored the first. I asked my neighbor if she had received one and showed her the packet. She has not received one.

I decided to open one after reading this post. The attached letter included with the 28 page survey says that I am required by law to respond.


What a strange coincidence! They called me as I was typing this. I said that it was my understanding that I only needed to tell him how many people lived in the house and my name and that anything else violated my privacy. He asked me where I got that information and then he said I would get fined if I would not answer it. He said I could either fill out the survey and mail it or reply via the phone call and it would only take 35 minutes.

I asked him how much the fine was and he did not know. I told him I was not going to answer anything over the phone as he was a perfect stranger. He then gave me his name and a phone number to prove who he said he was and then he also added that he was a supervisor.

The survey is called the American Community Survey. It asks questions such as if there is a business on the property, does the residence have a flush toilet, if there is a mortgage, what the property taxes are, if the residents have emotional problems, where employed, income, if resident has difficulty bathing or dressing, what time does resident leave for work, education, number of times married, any births, plus many more questions.

carol said...

WTF??????????? How do they choose who to send these to? Article I of the Constitution allows the government to conduct a count of the American people once every ten years to determine voting districts. Answer that ONLY!

carol said...

I'd ask them to send you a copy of the so-called law stating you must answer. Is this a state or federal questionaire? Where can we see a copy of it? I'll tell you one thing, if I did have to asnwer it, I'd lie on every question. Who the "F" do they think they are?

linnette said...

It is a Federal form from the Census Bureau, US Department of Commerce.

Anonymous said...

Robert Said, I say come and get me MF's. I will be throwing both in the trash can. F... the government! Let's see can I be any clearer than that?

linnette said...

Right on, Bob! I hope they put us in the same cell.

carol said...

Is this the 2010 federal census? The one that is supposed to take 10minutes to complete? Why is it coming out in 2009?

CAROL said...


linnette said...

No, it's not the 2010 census. We will receive that one next year. You can read about this one here:


linnette said...

This one says it takes 38 minutes to complete.

Anonymous said...

Linnette,did you know Bill Ellis got one a couple months ago. He didnt fill out the whole thing,hes very angry about this.They dont send these to every person they told them. Just spots in different areas.

Anonymous said...

By the way, Bill said the lady came up there to his place and he told her that no one lives over there, referring to my property and she said she just needed to spot check different areas. Its gonna be beneficial to them I think in the last days somehow!

carol said...

The ACS has been said to be unanswered by about 45% of its recipients.

When a citizen does not answer the ACS within 30 days, a second ACS form is automatically mailed. Eventually, a temporary Census Bureau worker begins calling the home in an effort to elicit answers. These workers are said to receive bonuses based on their ability to get a response and are encouraged to get the recipient to answer as many ACS questions as possible...

the form itself threatens a 100 US Dollar (USD) fine for every question skipped, and a 500 USD fine for each untruthful answer.

If a citizen doesn’t comply with the ACS after a period of weeks, Census Bureau guidelines instruct enumerators to stop calling the resident. At this point, according to the Census Bureau, a non-respondent has a 21% chance of being personally visited by a survey taker. Then a supervisor may visit you.

Several websites have been set up to provide public forums for recipients of the ACS. According to some accounts, those recipients who chose not to return the form and did not respond to phone calls or private visits appeared to be hassled the least. Alternatively, those who returned the survey partially completed and communicated with the Census Bureau agents generally received more contacts and pressure.

At least one petition to stop the ACS has been created.

linnette said...

That's good news. Where did you find that information? I read this morning that if you fill it out half way, you will open a can of worms and they will continue to pursue you. So, I guess it is best to ignore it. Someone at Bob's work ignored it. They called him and he said he had already sent it in (but he really hadn't). They said they had not received it and he said he couldn't help that. They said he could answer the questions over the phone. He said he didn't have time right then. He hasn't heard from them since.

carol said...

Anonymous said...

I don’t open anything that says, “to the resident who lives at …”

I don’t open anything that says, “You’ve won one million dollars.”

Nor do I open anything that says, “your response is required by law”.

Anonymous said...

Remember the guy at the town hall meeting that said, "we just want to be left alone, just leave us alone"?

linnette said...

That's exactly the way I feel and I've said it so many times, "Just leave me alone!" I won't cause you any problems, just don't cause me any!

Anonymous said...

Lisa said...
Boy, this is amazing, all of it! I like Bob's reaction, good for him!
Just Say No. Express your opinions and relate your experience with The American Community Survey. Until YOU get one, YOU have no IDEA! Intrusive questions and the most personal of information. RANT and RAGE right here.

Anonymous said...

Robert Said: The prison cell with Lynette idea is sounding better all the time.

Anonymous said...

Lisa said...
I'm thinking that they're testing the waters by sending these forms out, to see the percentage of how many respond, because that will tell them how much control they have over people.
The questions aren't asked because they actually want to know the answers! They're DELIBERATELY asking the most invasive and irritating questions, and DELIBERTAELY making it mandatory, and threatening fines, as a way of tightening the noose to show their control. And also, not only do they want to know how much control they have, but how much control people will give up from the time they decide not to complete the form to the time an WCS worker harrasses and threatens them.

Anonymous said...

Lisa said...
from what i've read,they've been sending these forms for several years, on a rotating basis.

