January 24, 2010

Growing UP!

Ever since Garrett was a little boy, Bob has periodically measured him next to the inside of the garage door. The latest reading, way up there, dated 1/2/10, was taken during Garrett's last visit. Six feet tall! And, according to what I have read, he may have a couple more years of growing to do.
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Anonymous said...

Robert Said: When Garrett was a little boy he would come out to the garage and I would put him on a motorcycle. He would sit there for and watch me work on the motorcycles for hours. He was no trouble at all even at a very young age.

SoCalT said...

Whoa. This is so cool. I'm glad Dad marked those. I can't believe how tall Garrett is now.

Carol said...

That is so cute that he sat there and watched you for so long. Bob, that is very cool that you kept track of his growth like that. Guess the only thing that has changed is his height.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love this picture of them! Bob was so good to Garrett. Garrett's still a good boy...most of the time, anyway. ; )

Josh said...

I enlarged the picture and see Bob put the dates even. What a great picture! Garrett has always had a lot of love and respect for Bob. He probably forgot this, but when he was a kid he once said to me, "Why can't you be like Bob?" It didn't bother me, I understood, Bob IS a great person. Garrett is a great person too and I admire his determination to make his way in this world. He's determined to let nothing stop him.

Anonymous said...

both you are nice looking guys!! I just wish Garrett was little again!!!vivian

Anonymous said...

I look like garbageeee in this picture!
But yeah, bob is a great person, I really had fun when I went there.
And NO I dont remember saying that to you, john!!

