Let's hear some opinions. Here is mine:
Whether two gay people just live together or get married, it does not affect me.
Tell me, what business is it of ours what they do? It is a mystery to me why some people get all worked up about gay people getting married. If you are against gay marriage, then don't marry a gay person. That strikes me as a simple solution to the problem some people seem to have.
I don't think the state should be involved in marriage, period, but it has involved itself. And, if the state recognizes a contract – which is all marriage amounts to, in secular terms – it by no means sanctifies anything. No one accuses the state of sanctifying sales contracts.
The religious aspect of marriage is separate and apart from the state's involvement. Whatever is holy and sacred about marriage is a matter of religion, not a state marriage license.
What irritates me is busybodies who want to stick their nose in other people's business. Let's all mind our own business. The world will be a better place if we do.
Now, what is YOUR opinion?
Why is this even up for a vote or judicial decision? Live and let live and quit trying to control other people and the way they live. What you believe morally should have nothing to do with this issue. This shouldn't be a state issue at all. It should be a personal issue or a church issue (if you prefer).
Right on, Carol! Well said!
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