September 3, 2010

Governor of Arizona's awkward pause during opening remarks of debate


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I saw this. I was so embarrassed for her. She sounded like an unprepared idiot.

Anonymous said...

Just when you think the pause has gone on too long, it keeps going. Ooooooh. Then she just smiles at the camera in silence. I think she was probably nervous before the debate and had a few too many drinks and possibly a hit or two of weed to relax. Then it hit her all at once during that opening statement.

Anonymous said...

Lisa said...
Or, Alzheimer's has started and she's getting sudden memory lapses. Like, "Who am I, where am I, and why are all these cameras on me?" lol.

Josh said...

You know, at church we have a young husband and wife doctor team - they met the governor, and talked about how impressed they were with her.

Right across the border there they have found these headless bodies in the desert, and killings have spilled over onto Arizona territory. I've seen gruesome pics and video of heads and body parts in the desert, but on the Mexican side.

The press had field day playing "gotcha!" when Brewer got tongue-tied, which distracted from the real issues.

Technically, most of the Headless Bodies hanging from Bridges are south of the Border

One of the things that drives me crazy is the "Gotcha" aspect of modern journalism. Real journalism-- where a reporter does actual research and tries to report things that are actually important--is a lot of work. So it's a lot more fun to ignore actual stories and just play games.

Take the recent warning that Governor Brewer gave about escalating violence in Mexico that is spilling over into the United States. The Governor warned that the level of brutality is rising rapidly and the situation is spinning out of control.

Here's how local media covered the story.

Arizona GOP Gov. Jan Brewer claimed recently that law enforcement has been finding beheaded bodies in the desert — but local agencies say they've never encountered such a case.

That's right, instead of heeding her warning, the local guys tried to play "gotcha" with the quote in an effort to make the Governor look bad. Naturally, this caused the local guys to miss the real story which was that...the level of brutality in Mexico is rising rapidly and the situation is spinning out of control.

So instead of the Republic breaking the story six weeks ago...we read about the situation on A1 above the fold of Thursday's Wall Street Journal.

Across the country, mutilated and decapitated bodies turn up virtually every day, sometimes hanging from bridges.

Of course, that's in Mexico. Governor Brewer was talking about violence that was spilling over into Arizona. Well, leave it to Phoenix New Times to cover that story.

So far no confirmed beheadings in Arizona--just horrible stories of kidnapping, torture, rape and murder. Sounds like, well, violence and brutality spinning out of control well north of the border.

So the local mainstream media missed the story because they wanted to play "gotcha" with the Governor. Sure, she should have issued a statement clarifying her remarks to indicate that the beheadings--although daily--are (so far) confined to south of the border, while in metro Phoenix, most of the violence has consisted of widespread kidnapping, torture, murder and rape.

But you didn't hear that story until you read it in Wall Street Journal and New know, real newspapers.

Anonymous said...

Robert Said: This is the kind of people that run (ruin) this country. And we wonder why we are so screwed up. Fire everyone and let's see what happens.

