March 27, 2011

Violet's first sees the new swing that Bob (Grandpa) built


Anonymous said...

Oh that is so cute. She is so happy. Is Ledge happy?

How fun, that just took going to your house up a few notches huh?

The swing set looks great. Nice work, dad. Tavia

Carol said...

Are you KIDDING me? Is there ANYTHING that Bob cannot do????? Amazing!!! And is he a good Grandpa or what???????? Good job Bob.

Now all you need to do is come over here and build one for Jake and Stella. Oh, wait a minute, you probably want to get Scarlett's built first right? lol

Carol said...

When I was a little girl I went over to a friends house when we lived in temple City or Arcadia. She had a Playhouse in her back yard and I was sooooooo envious. I dreampt (sp?) about having my own little playhouse. Future project idea for Bob?

Anonymous said...

Carol - The kids are learning all about chickens from Aunt Jenn and when the chicks grow up and are shipped to Kentucky this building will become one of the kids' two playhouses with a view of San Juan Capistrano. Henry

Anonymous said...

Bob built that? Sheesh. That's mighty impressive.

