September 16, 2011


13% of the letters in any book are "e".

While e is only .04% of the alphabet.


linnette said...

Amazing, Chaz! Funny. Here is something else: The letter E is over 56 times more common than Q in forming individual English words.

Anonymous said...

Not really, amazing. It's one of 5 vowels. Of course it is going to be used more than some other letters.

linnette said...

I was just kidding when I said "amazing."

Anonymous said...

Oh, good. LOL

Chaz said...

Hey! Don't you poo poo my contribution Neisha. Who do you think you are!?!

I worked very hard to come up with something original and inventive to say.

So uncool of you to come along and squander the good will like that...

Chaz said...

Wouldn't it be funny if I were serious? (Read: I thought I better make sure you didn't think I was serious.)

linnette said...

Chaz: You are SO funny!
Referring to:
(Read: I thought I better make sure you didn't think I was serious.)

Anonymous said...

Glad he said that because I actually did think he was serious. Just for the record though, I wasn't poo-pooing. Just didn't think it was "amazing" info. That's all.

