January 20, 2012

Political discussion

JOHN SAYS: Mom and I were leaving Costco half an hour a go and on both sides of Bell were a large group of people holding up home made signs for Ron Paul. Was a touching, sweet sight! Mom waved excitedly to them.

LISA SAYS: I love to see things like that! I saw a car with a Ron Paul bumper sticker this morning, I passed and honked, he waved, and then I got in front of him so he could see mine (Don’t blame me, I voted for Ron Paul), then he honked again. It was a fun moment!

NEISHA SAYS: I know what you mean, Lisa. When that happens to me, I get goosebumps. Seriously.

LISA SAYS: Yeah, because you know that the person who has a RP sticker really knows what Ron Paul stands for, and really believes in the principles, whereas when you see an Obama sticker, or a Romney one, you know the person isn’t excited about the principles, but the freebies, or the mistaken ideas about freedom.


CHAZ SAYS: Oh brother…

CAROL SAYS: It's true Chaz. RP supporters are die hards. Once faithful, always faithful.

NEISHA SAYS: Yeah, Chaz!

CHAZ SAYS: I know that his ideals are praise worthy, but living in the real world I have to imagine what would happen if he got elected. Answer: Not much. He would all of the sudden become the darling of the republicans, and not a whole lot would change. At least that is what I would fear.

At least the democrats have rolled back DADT and the sunset of DOMA is on the horizon.

Just please let my guy have four more years and then we can try Ron Paul, okay?


NEISHA SAYS: YOUR guy is Obama?
Hell no, he can't have 4 more years. He's already had 4 too many.

SUNNY SAYS: I agree.....

CHAZ SAYS: Its more than we would have ever received from a republican. As far as equality goes.

CAROL SAYS: Ron Paul would NEVER be considered the darling of the Republican Party. They can't stand him. They can't stand anyone who believes in PEACE. They are too controlled by the Jewish Lobby. They want war. And even if by some freak of nature chance RP got nominated, If, not much would happen, that would be better than the continuing erosion of civil liberties that Obama has brought. Besides Chaz, if RP had his way the laws you want overturned so bad, would have never been instituted in the first place, because RP believes in freedom and individual liberties and thinks it's none of the governments business what you do in the privacy of your own bedroom.

LINNETTE SAYS: DADT and DOMA are not the only things wrong with this country, Chaz! Give Obama four more years to spend us into oblivion? I THINK NOT! The sad thing is that I don’t think things will change if Gingrich, Romney or Santorum are elected. They will spend money on different things, but will spend just as much. Every president since at least the 60’s has spent more than their predecessor. The ONLY candidate who will actually spend less is RON PAUL! No doubt about it. Look at his record.

CAROL SAYS: Besides Chaz, you sound like so many other Americans who are only concerned about issues that directly affect them. You mentioned two issues that affect you. RP cares about the rights of EVERYONE, yours, mine and all Americans. You talk about Republicans vs. Democrats when there is essentially NO difference in the two. They are all out to control others and force their views on them. There is not a Republican that I would give a dime to on that debate stage except Ron Paul.

JOHN SAYS: http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=OExXItDyWEY&vq=medium

Now, carry on the discussion in the comment section


Carol said...

That is beautiful John. I got the chills. OK, now who is she? Someone I should know?

Anonymous said...

Hey, what about copy right infringement?

linnette said...

Was that in response to the Ron Paul discussion, John?

Anonymous said...

I got chills, too Carol. I didn't want to say that because I'd already said I get goosebumps with the Ron Paul thing...don't want you people thinking I'm just cold all the time.

Anonymous said...

It's a depressing picture what's happening. One one side we have the fiscal insanity of Obama and this Congress, and their shredding of the Constitution [http://tinyurl.com/76d2v7z], then there's the Religious Right so utterly fed up with Obama they are ready to impose a fascist theocracy.

Some of them even talk openly of executing gays when they get the power:

"Unless we get medically lucky [i.e., unless AIDS does the job for us], in three or four years, one of the options we will be discussing [in dealing with the scourge of homosexuality and AIDS] WILL BE THE EXTERMINATION OF HOMOSEXUALS."

- Dr. Paul Cameron
In a Speech to Dr. James Dobson's
Family Research Council

What is frightening to me is that Newt Gingrich is suddenly gaining some momentum. If Gingrich is the Republican nominee I could possibly find myself hoping Obama wins.

Especially after reading articles like this:

Eight Reasons Newt Gingrich is Emerging as the Religious Right's Anybody-but-Mitt Candidate

LINK: http://tinyurl.com/6vbh25c

In view of all this, what a relief if Ron Paul was to make it after all.

As for Ron Paul getting elected, Doug Casey comments, that "is entirely an academic discussion. The chances of Ron even being a contender for the nomination of the totally corrupt Republican Party are zero. And if he got it, the chances of his being elected are less than zero – c’mon, this is the same electorate that just put in Obama.

And if, through some form of Olympian intervention, he was elected, real change would be impossible. The NSA, the CIA, the FBI, the DoD, and the rest of them are now an empire within the empire. If he ever tried to make serious changes I suspect he’d get a very serious talking-to, much more scary than a small town mayor might get from the Mob. The situation is beyond redemption in my view."

Maybe it's GOOD FOR RON PAUL that he won't be elected. As Doug Casey further says:

"The fact he can’t win is actually a good thing. I pity the poor fool who’s in office as we come out of the eye of the hurricane we’re now in. Whoever is in office will be blamed, even though the collapse will be the consequence of decades of mismanagement."

Anonymous said...

All of which has me thinking that Mitt Romney might be the best I can hope for in the face of the very depressing alternatives.

When it comes to fiscal matters, Obama is nuts. The United States has accumulated more debt since Obama took office than it did throughout the entire first forty-one presidencies combined from George Washington through George H. W. Bush. Under Obama, America increases its debt by over 4 billion dollars every single day! It is estimated that the national debt will be nearly 17 trillion dollars by the time he leaves office on January 20, 2013.

He's been a mega disaster for this country if you care about the Constitution and civil liberties.

As one writer put it:

Obama promised unprecedented transparency and a ratcheting back of Bush-era civil liberties abuses. This from the president who vowed to restore habeas corpus and subject executive war powers to judicial scrutiny. This from the Nobel Peace Prize laureate.

Barack Obama appears dedicated to out-Bushing Bush when it comes to shredding the Bill of Rights and sticking his middle finger at the very idea that he ought to be accountable to anything but his own power.

Make no mistake. We are witnessing a defining moment in America’s transformation into a totalitarian nation.

linnette said...

John, in response to your earlier comment with quotes from Doug Casey, that is what I was thinking, too. I would be afraid for Ron Paul if he was elected. I have read that Reagan got that "talking to" when he got elected. Reagan was not a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Every presidential administration since the 1920's ha been dominated by the CFR. And, it didn't take long for Reagan to appoint almost all CFR members to his administration. It is all corrupt. Ron Paul is the only one that is not corrupt and that is why he will not get elected.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting, Linnette. I did not know that about Reagan getting a talking to. That reminded me about JFK, how he distrusted the CIA and said he wanted to "splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds." He was a great president. I'm sure you've seen that Kennedy video, The President who Told the Truth (LINK: http://youtu.be/RaH-lGafwtE ).

Anonymous said...

Not to mention President Kennedy's actions against the Federal Reserve.

On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed with the authority to basically strip the FED of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business.... It seems very apparent that President Kennedy challenged the "powers that exist behind U.S. and world finance".

Thomas Jefferson said, "If the America people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currencies, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their prosperity until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

Anonymous said...

Linnette,what do you know about Newt Gingrich?

At Safeway today I saw the latest Newsweek, Obama on the cover:

The cover story:

Why Are Obama's Critics So Dumb?

Here is the key line:

But given the enormity of what he inherited, and given what he explicitly promised, it remains simply a fact that Obama has delivered in a way that the unhinged right and purist left have yet to understand or absorb.

Anonymous said...

Linnette and Carol, concerning Israel and its overwhelming influence on Congress and U.S. foreign policy, I guess the lady at this link is the other side of that coin.


I received this link in an email today from a church member, that email pasted here:

Subject: A must see video. Unbelievable!!!!

Yes, listen to this. All of it!! This woman calls a spade a spade.


Worth every minute if you have not seen this!!!

This is frightening, Please watch the entire video.

This is a very telling lecture. It hits at the root of what is happening in American Universities, and what is happening to our culture. This fight is as real and costly as any combat this nation has been through in the past. The battlefield is non-conventional, but so are the methods of our enemies. Please take the time to listen.

Click here: Article

Anonymous said...

A good read:

Why We Are Totally Finished


Anonymous said...

I sent this by email, but for those who did not see it, this is quite interesting. At 9/11, when the towers fell, in the pandemonium that ensued, thousands upon thousands rushed down to the water's edge on Manhattan, trying to get out of New York by ferry or boat. I'd never heard about this aspect, but it's a fascinating, heart warming story!! They put one call out for boats to come to help thousands get off the island and what a magnificent sight it was when the whole harbor filled with boats of every description to rescue those desperate to get out. Video was rolling. It's about 14 minutes long:


linnette said...

love that!

Anonymous said...

Lisa said...
Yes, I've seen that video, and it is heartwarming.
There's a lot of 911 stories like that. The story of William Rodriguez, the janitor who cleaned the building for 30 years, is really something. You should google it.

Anonymous said...

That video gave me chills.

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul' Nevada caucus speech:


Anonymous said...

The video is interesting at the end on Ron Paul's strategy. Many of the delegates to the Republican convention for Romney and other candidates are actually Ron Paul supporters, and if they can keep Romney from getting a majority vote on the first ballot, those delegates will then be free to switch to Ron Paul.

Anonymous said...

One great thing about Ron Paul being there is that he has educated a lot of people.

This from a forum:

I have given Ron Paul money because I want him on stage talking as much as they will let him, not because I seriously believe that he will win the nomination, much less the Presidency. He could, you know, if people were to think for themselves, rather than lap up what the press tells them like eager, drooling dogs. But what can we expect when the American public has been trained to do just that?

And what I've learned from Ron Paul's campaign is a lot:

1. The media is far more controlled than I ever dreamed. And that includes Rush, Hannity, et al, who had fooled people into believing that they weren't part of the Lamestream Media, but were just speaking the "truth." Now, because of the Paul campaign, we can see that they serve their Corporate Masters just like all the rest.
2. The battle between lower taxes vs. entitlement programs for the poor that rages between the Right and the Left means nothing, because Paul has pointed out that the problem is the devaluation of the dollar and that if current policies continue, the system will collapse.
3. Paul has also explained that most all of our "representatives" create policies that, in effect, bailout their friends on Wall Street, while sending the bill to the middle class. This, too, is rooted in currency devaluation, which is the result of the Federal Reserve printing money to serve enormous US debt.
4. Paul has informed us that the purpose of the Constitution is to *restrain* government.
5. Paul has told us that the Fourth Amendment has been abolished by the Patriot Act. The Fourth Amendment was written in order to protect people and their privacy. And now it doesn't exist. We are NOT secure in our persons and papers, as the Amendment commands.
6. Paul has told us that our military is the strongest on earth, so there is no chance that the US will be challenged on the world stage, much less invaded.
7. Paul wants the military to come home to save money and to protect our own border, instead of the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
8. Paul wants the Federal Government out of the business of our lives.
9. Paul says that we have the right to Liberty. And it is freedom that brings people together.

So, the longer he remains on stage during this campaign, the more likely it is that people will learn the truth. And perhaps one day, the truth shall prevail.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday at church this man whose son is a prison guard here in Arizona was telling how his son said the guards were talking amongst themselves about these new prisons being built under FEMA. Was startling.

While researching this I found this video, which gives me respect for liberal Rachel Maddow, which also tells about Obama's plans for these so-called "detention centers", now being contructed:


Anonymous said...

Remove Ron Paul from the picture and the line up of presidential candidates looks pretty dismal, but I think, compared to Bush and Obama, Romney could turn out to be okay.

As far as his views of church and state, an interesting article here:

A Tale of Three Speeches About Separation of Church and State

LINK: http://bit.ly/yyzugz

Romney explains his views to the evangelicals. "Romney seemed to satisfy mainstream editorial writers that he had risen to the occasion - but it was not at all clear that he had satisfied most conservative Christians.

It's not at all clear that Romney had satisfied most conservative Christians? Yay!, that's a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Really scary that Rick Santorum won three states last night!

I SAY THIS BECAUSE...Well, just read this from a CNN article:

(CNN) -- There are two Rick Santorums: The first one I might not agree with, but the second one truly scares me.

"Santorum One" pushes for less government regulation for corporations and shrinking the federal government. You may or may not agree with these positions, but they are both mainstream conservative fare.

Then there's "Santorum Two." This Santorum wants to impose conservative Christian law upon America. Am I being hyperbolic or overly dramatic with this statement? I wish I were, but I'm not.

Plainly put, Rick Santorum wants to convert our current legal system into one that requires our laws to be in agreement with religious law, not unlike what the Taliban want to do in Afghanistan.

Santorum is not hiding this. The only reason you may not be aware of it is because up until his recent surge in the polls, the media were ignoring him. However, "Santorum Two" was out there telling anyone who would listen.

He told a crowd at a November campaign stop in Iowa in no uncertain terms, "our civil laws have to comport with a higher law: God's law."

On Thanksgiving Day at an Iowa candidates' forum, he reiterated: "We have civil laws, but our civil laws have to comport with the higher law."

Yes, that means exactly what you think it does: Santorum believes that each and every one of our government's laws must match God's law, warning that "as long as there is a discordance between the two, there will be agitation."

And as an aside, when Santorum says "God," he means "not any god (but) the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob." So, if your god differs from Rick's, your god's views will be ignored, just like the father is on "Keeping Up with the Kardashians."

Some of you might be asking: How far will "Santorum Two" take this? It's not like he's going to base public policy decisions on Bible passages, right?

Well, here's what Santorum had to say just last week when asked about his opposition to gay marriage: "We have Judeo-Christian values that are based on biblical truth. ... And those truths don't change just because people's attitudes may change."

Anonymous said...

Earlier in this thread I mentioned that some in the Christian Right want the death penalty for gays. You may think this is a far-fetched notion, but it's not.

Read this from a review of Chris Hedges book, Christian Fascists:

Christians founded America believing church and state should be separated, and Jefferson called for "a wall of separation" between them in 1802 after freedom of religion became part of the First Amendment to the Constitution. Today that bedrock founding principle is jeopardized by the extremist Christian Right. If they get their way, they'll tear down that wall with considerable public support . . .

it will turn the country into a de facto theocracy despite its supporters' denial. Don't believe them as getting this passed is key to the Christian Right's mission to turn America into a fascist theocracy where constitutional law is abolished in favor of extremist Christian dogma Dominionists like Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, James Dobson and others in the movement want to be the supreme law of the land.

They cloak their ideology in Christianity and patriotism as their way to gain political power they claim is sanctioned by the Almighty to give the movement moral legitimacy. But beneath the surface, their doctrine is dark and foreboding posing real dangers to a free society not to be taken lightly. It comes from their view of Genesis 1:26-31 they interpret to mean God gave man "dominion....over all the Earth," and that Jesus commanded his followers to impose godly rule over everyone denouncing people of other faiths and non-believers. The modern blueprint for this ideology comes from the writings of RJ Rushdoony's 1973 book, The Institutes of Biblical Law, calling for a Christian government. It advocates torture and death for gays, non-Christians resisting conversion, anyone committing blasphemy, and women guilty of "unchastity before marriage." ...the movement already controls the Republican party.

...watch the Christian Right's treatment of gays knowing the Nazis used their "values" to repress opponents and just days after coming to power in 1933 Hitler banned all gay and lesbian organizations as his first target with many others to follow. Pastor Martin Niemoller warned us in different versions of his famous quotation listing Jews, communists and trade unionists targeted but omitting the one Hitler chose first. He didn't speak out because he wasn't one of them, and when they came for him there was no one left. It was too late.

Adams explained gays in a Christian Right dominated American would be the first "social deviants" singled out for condemnation, disempowerment and elimination as in Nazi Germany. Other targeted groups would follow, and we would be next. He then warned as does Hedges that forces against American democracy are "waiting for a moment to strike, a national crisis that will allow them to shred the Constitution in the name of national security." The Christian Right awaits that time "with gleeful anticipation" wanting adherents to be ready.

LINK: http://bit.ly/8yfbTh

Anonymous said...

Here's another author's input:

Although some of his early associates such as Ernst Roehm were homosexuals, Hitler loathed them. In his book,, Inside Nazi Germany: Conformity, Opposition, and Racism in Everyday Life, German historian Detlev J.K. Peukert writes: "The fascists' deadly hostility to homosexual 'deviations' … stemmed from their image of the 'strict' soldierly man, obliged to repel with brute force all temptations to 'soften' the manly identity and sexual role indoctrinated into him … Accordingly, the liberalization of homosexuals' lives and legal status which had begun under the [liberal] Weimar Republic (1919-1932) … was abruptly terminated in 1933 [when Hitler came to power]. The homosexual sub-culture, its bars and clubs, were smashed … and homosexual acts were made a prison offense. Merely the indication of [homosexual] … interest, not even the consummated act, was made a punishable act, and the way was thus made clear for denunciations and arbitrary police action."

One should take note of the fact that this deadly crackdown on homosexuals followed a period of growing public support for acceptance of homosexuals into "mainstream" life in Germany. But in one short year following the ascension of the Nazis into power, all that was reversed - and reversed in an orgy of blood-letting. God help the gay and lesbian community in the United States should so-called "Christians" come to power in America.

linnette said...

Yes, Santorum is so, so scary!

linnette said...

“[I will] fight very strongly against libertarian influence within the Republican party and the conservative movement." Rick Santorum

Anonymous said...


Rick Santorum's popularity among Republican voters has blown up nationally in recent weeks, according to a new survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press that finds him in a statistical tie with Mitt Romney in the race for the White House.

Santorum leads Romney 30 percent to 28 percent among Republicans and voters that lean Republican, according to the poll conducted Feb. 8-12. The survey. . .shows that support for Santorum has more than doubled among the group since the poll was last taken in January.

Anonymous said...

Bill Moyers made this statement a couple of years back and it rings true today:

“It is true, people of faith have always tried to bring their interpretation of the Bible to bear on American laws and morals … it’s the American way, encouraged and protected by the First Amendment. But what is unique today is that the radical religious right has succeeded in taking over one of America’s great political parties. The country is not yet a theocracy but the Republican Party is, and they are driving American politics, using God as a a battering ram on almost every issue: crime and punishment, foreign policy, health care, taxation, energy, regulation, social services and so on.” - Bill Moyers, Journalist and television host.

Anonymous said...

And I heard on the news on the way home from work, on the radio, that Santorum got three million dollars in 24 hours, because of his new momentum.

Anonymous said...

Rick Santorum made this statement, "One of the criticisms I make is to what I refer to as more of a Libertarianish right. They have this idea that people should be left alone, be able to do whatever they want to, government should keep our taxes down and keep our regulations low, that we shouldn't get involved in the bedroom, we shouldn't get involved in the cultural issues. That is not how traditional conservatives view the world. There is no such society that I'm aware of where we've had radical individualism and that it succeeds as a culture."

linnette said...

He (Santorum) is so sick. Today he said, "Now [Iran] is in the process of developing nuclear weapons .... I am hopeful that some of the things we're seeing, with respect to the nuclear program, that the US is involved in -- which is on occasion scientists working on the nuclear program in Iran turn up dead. I think that's a wonderful thing." He continues, "If people say we can't go out and assassinate people, tell that to Al Awlaki. We've done it. We've done it to an American citizen, we can certainly do it to someone who is producing a nuclear bomb that could be dropped on the state of Israel...." So, he is hopeful that the US is involved in those assassinations. OMG!

Anonymous said...

He also says that the Constitution does not give us the right to privacy!

