August 9, 2006

Garrett's Ride at Staterland

Garrett and I went to Staters the other day and right off he hops in the front part of the grocery cart and is in there the entire time I shopped, even while going through the check out stand. It was so funny. I expected an employee to walk up any moment and tell us this was not allowed, but besides a few amused looks, the employees were nice as usual. I pulled out my cell phone camera a few times to capture the moment for posterity but each time he covered his head in time. ha.


linnette said...

I love it! Garrett is going to try to delete it. I won't let him. We love it, Garrett!

SoCalT said...

Garrett. You are so funny.

Carol said...

Garrett I have one of him that you could use for blackmail. With this picture you could get John to do do almost anything, and I mean anything! I'm saving it for a special occasion. lol

Anonymous said...

oh now john thats not fair, if he doesent want them there dont you think you should remove them? dont pay attention to me because its just my opinion. poor kid you saying he was embarrassed! lol

SoCalT said...

What is "Staterland" ? Is that Stater Brothers?

linnette said...

Yes, Tavia, Stater Bros. I like it. "Staterland."

