September 25, 2006

Not walking yet, but feeling more confident


Anonymous said...

linnette, why is no one behind her to make sure she doesent fall. dident we already talk about this?

just kiddin
lets make bets on how long it will take her to walk on her own.

linnette said...

Garrett's comment above is because when he was with me taking care of Violet, he would follow her all around the living room as she was crawling around and pulling herself up on things to stand up. He would be right behind her to make sure she didn't fall down or bump her head on anything. He would think that I wasn't being careful enough if I wasn't right beside her while she was exploring. He's great with her. And she loves him! Garrett, it's time for you to see Violet again. It's been awhile.

As far as her walking, I will make a new post on this blog where everyone can weigh in and guess when she will take her first step.

