June 9, 2008

School tells Student to be Quiet, then calls the cops when he Cites the Constitution

"I was assisting an injured student. While I was talking I was booted from Class! When I cited The Constitution the police were called to come get me!"


linnette said...

This kid reminds me of Garrett. But, I don't think Garrett would act that way. Maybe his parents never taught him to respect authority. However, calling the cops? That's crazy. But, this brings up a bigger issue. The publci school system. Whole other subject..... Don't get me started.

And, why do people make videos with music playing in the background. Sometimes it is appropriate, but many times it is just downright annoying!

Anonymous said...

I think this kid is great! I remember when I was 14, feeling like taking on the world for what I believed in; my youthful idealism somewhat misguided and off-kilter here and there. This kid, Robert, is very pro-Ron Paul. I'd like to share some comments of others who viewed this video:

Thank God that there is a 14-year-old that even knows the Constitution exists.

Now if we can only teach him that it doesn't apply in schools...

what is also interesting is that if you look at his favorites he has posted about 20 videos, many on the New World Order, police state, Iraq war, etc. ... very political stuff

i tried to warn him that the NWO was going to take him out, i.e. poison him and/or fry his brain with microwave radiation



Gosh, I'm just more amazed that this young kid knows so much about what is going on right now in our world.

I like the Flobots music in the background.

What did the child do that was against the law that the police needed to be called? Why not just suspend him and call his parent like any other normal school?


God Bless this kid, for having the knowledge, and pride of his god given civil rights. Bless this kid, for trying to be there, for another student who was assaulted. For continuing to question authority, in this incident. Thumbs down to the school administration, and police officers for caring more about, trying to dumb down, a cconstitutionally aware child, then helping a student who had been assaulted on their ground. I'd like to thank whoever taught this kid to have an open mind, and hopefully, as the years go on, he keeps searching for truth and light.

1. In the school, the teachers and other adults who have authority over these kids do have the right to tell the kids to be quiet. There is a time and a place. When you are in school, as long as the adults are not hurting the kids, the kids have to follow the rules.

2. When I am at my job, I have to listen to my boss and follow his rules. That is the way it is.

3. When I am on my own time, or kids are out of school, they have the right to speak freely with each other. At school and at my job, we do have to show respect for the people we work for and teachers.



Anonymous said...

Linnette, I know what you mean about music in the background, but the music was pretty low in this one compared to many.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone have any luck finding this story in the Internet? If they did, I'd like the link ok?
There are always two sides to every story and I have a feeling there is more to the story,

Anonymous said...

I don't know what the school policy is and why the police were called. But this kid is making it sound like the trouble started when he began citing the Constitution, when in fact, he probably got in trouble for shooting off his mouth,being disrespectful, talking in class etc. etc. Kids are trouble makers, I remember.

Lisa said...

Yes, I agree with Linnette, and Carol, too.

I wasn't impressed that the kid was talking about the Constitution, because what he was saying sounded like he was programmed. He's been hearing his parents, or people around him, talk about the Constitution, probably in the context of phony rights.

Lisa said...

One more thing: That whole video is a reflection of the public schools, not the kid.

