September 13, 2008

Sarah Palin ABC Interview With Charlie Gibson

This is the part of the interview they did not show you on 20/20 last night. Wonder why.


SoCalT said...

It is too bad that the answers that she prepared didn't have anything to do with the questions she was asked.

linnette said...

For all you that like Palin because, well, "I just like her." Palin may be a perfectly wonderful person, a loving mother and a great American success story—but she is a beauty queen/sports reporter who stumbled into small-town politics, and who is now on the verge of stumbling into, or upon, world history. God help us all.

linnette said...

words above not mine, but thought-provoking.

linnette said...

although I don't think of it so much as 'stumbling into' world history. I think it was more of a plan by TPTB.

