September 10, 2010

Hypocrites - - Shaking my head in disbelief!


Anonymous said...

Might be slightly off subject but when we went to see "The Tillman Story" yesterday it dawned on me that it was September 11th. I wondered how many people were in the theater to get some "awe inspiring story of an American hero that made the decision to fight for freedom after 9-11".......... Only to be surprised it was actually about LIES, BS propaganda from our government / military and a cover up.

The government really messed with the wrong family.

Josh said...

Sounds like a good, very interesting movie.

Josh said...

About this video, yeah, you said it Linnette. Looked like a FOX News video. All I want from news reporter is the news, not their personal opinions, unless they agree with me.

linnette said...

After watching this just now, I realized I put up the wrong video. The one I meant to put up had this section in it, but they went on from there. Oh well....

Josh said...

I'd like to see it.

linnette said...

Okay, I just replaced this video with the REAL video that was supposed to be there in the first place. Both Pat Buchanan and Donny Deutsch say that Obama should have the pastor, Terry Jones, arrested.

"If the pastor has not by tomorrow ... stood down, frankly I would have U.S. Marshals or the FBI arrest him and take him into custody," says Pat Buchanan. And Deutsch agreed.

I don't think this guy should burn Korans either, but I don't want my opinion to supersede his right to burn the Koran if he darn well pleases!

Josh said...

Thanks for posting it, Linnette. All this over burning a book. It would be so great if we could show the world what real liberty is, and the man could burn the book to make his statement and everyone just yawn.

carol said...

I agree John, it would be great IF we could show them what real liberty is. But we don't KNOW what real liberty is, because most Americans think there should be a law against burning the flag. What's the difference? They don't realize that Koran's and flags are just material things that REPRESENT ideals. Plus most American's support torture and rendition. Our liberty is so fragile that as soon as there is a little scare, most are willing to relinquish it at the drop of a hat. Don't you just love that Patriot Act?

John Trainor said...

I hear ya, Carol.

I had to look up the word rendition ["Handing over prisoners to countries where torture is allowed"].

As one writer puts its:

The real America, the "asylum for mankind" that Paine wrote about so eloquently – that America is gone, fading already into myth and legend, gone soon even from living memory as the last citizens who remember America's dying embers wink out from this world, one by one. In their place: a new citizenry, molded by government schooling and control and constant statist propaganda, clamoring now for a strongman to take control.

