September 10, 2010

I think he is on the verge of a breakdown


linnette said...

Okay, Tavia. This would be a good one for you to reenact.

Tavia said...

Oh my. I had to turn it off at about 1:50 ish, too crazy. Funny thing is he said he has a "masters degree in communication."

Holy cow. I'll have to calm down and go back to watch the rest.

Tavia said...

..But yeah, it would be a good skit. Start foaming at the mouth... What extremes could you take the skit to? Maybe I'll have to watch the rest to get ideas.

Tavia said...

What would you to if you were in the audience? I'd be scared!

I wonder how he hears himself? Does he think he sounds inspiring?

linnette said...

yeah, you don't really have to watch the whole thing. it is just more of the same. funny that he is acting so crazy.

Carol said...

Maybe he figures if he acts like everybody else, that people will think he is more of the same, so he is acting like an idiot politician right from the get-go. You know, not trying to fool the people like every other politician.

Josh said...

Personally, all I care about is can and will he do a great job. We had Obama's charisma, where did that get us? So, if Jan Brewer can't debate, that's okay, what kind of job is she actually doing? The guy in this video is yelling like a bombastic fool but if he could do a great job and cut the spending, he'd have my vote.

I just can not see Tavia in this role at all, but maybe she has acting prowess I know nothing about.

linnette said...

I would question this guy's sanity. And, is Jan Brewer doing a good job? I would say not. As Arizona is in economic ruin, Jan Brewer is trying to impose a drastic sales tax increase on all of you Arizonians. She claims that people will die unless the sales tax is increased. She has done nothing to decrease the size of the government.

Josh said...

She inherited this economic mess, but I never watch TV, and know very little about Jan Brewer's record. You probably saw that one video where she is sounding like this guy, very emotional, weird actually. I was making a general statement that if I could know from this guy's record that he would have the backbone to cut spending and taxes and encouraging economic development, I'd gladly vote for him.

Josh said...

Linnette, I looked up some of Jan Brewer's views and positions. One thing is clear, she is very willing to take unpopular stances and take on the opposition.

The sales tax is 1% and is supposed to be temporary.

S-CHIP in Arizona is known as “KidsCare.” By enacting the 2011 budget, Brewer and the legislature have eliminated the Arizona variant of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program program that provides health insurance to uninsured children whose families do not make little enough to qualify for Medicaid.
The budget also eliminates the Kids Care program that provides nearly free care to more than 40,000 children of the working poor. The governor acknowledged that will increase the number of people in the state without coverage. “We do not have the money,’’ she said. “We are broke.’’

Jan Brewer also signed legislation that entitled persons in Arizona to carry guns into bars, unless the bar has specifically stated that guns are not to be permitted. She also signed a bill that allows Arizona citizens to conceal weapons without having to get a permit.

Jan Brewer signed a bill repealing legislation put into place by the former governor Janet Napolitano, which had granted domestic partners of state employees the ability to be considered as “dependents,” similar to the way married spouses are handled.

Brewer, then Secretary of State, had organized a racially loaded purge of the voter rolls that would have made Katherine Harris blush. Beginning after the 2004 election, under Brewer’s command, no less than 100,000 voters, overwhelmingly Hispanics, were blocked from registering to vote. In 2005, the first year of the Great Brown-Out, one in three Phoenix residents found their registration applications rejected.

So I asked Brewer’s office, had she busted a single one of these thousands of allegedly illegal voters? Did she turn over even one name to the feds for prosecution?

No, not one.

Josh said...

Brewer saying, “We do not have the money. We are broke.’’

I'd fall out of my chair if I ever heard Obama say those words.

Josh said...


The sales-tax increase comes after multiple rounds of cuts to Arizona's budget - another of the governor's priorities.

In her March 2009 plan, Brewer set a goal of reducing state spending so that the general fund's obligations were slashed by at least $1 billion by 2010.

Including this fiscal budget, there have been more than $2.2 billion in cuts since Brewer took office.

The governor has said repeatedly that the cuts are necessary because of free-wheeling spending that exceeded the state's revenue stream under her predecessor, Janet Napolitano.

Anonymous said...

I don't know who he is, but I sure enjoyed this video. I'm sitting here all alone, LOLOLOLOL'ing

Anonymous said...

what makes you think that?

Anonymous said...

All politicians need to be taken out and shot.

John said...

All politicians need to be taken out and shot. I like that. A nice ring to it.


