Here are a few questions. At the end of the questions, click on "Comment" to answer them. It would be fun to see everyone's responses. Also feel free to expand on your answers. Then create your own new post and ask a question or two that you would like to see everyone answer.
I'd prefer my child to share my
A) personality
B) skills
C) values
I would prefer to hear the opposite sex tell me I'm
A) intelligent
B) funny
C) sexy
When it comes to talking about my emotions, I
A) tell it like it is
B) keep it to myself
C) share only when necessary
When I'm angry with someone close to me, I
A) try to forgive
B) demand more
C) withhold love
I'd prefer my child to share my
B) skills
I would prefer to hear the opposite sex tell me I'm
C) sexy
When it comes to talking about my emotions, I
B) keep it to myself
C) share only when necessary
Toss up, depending upon the circumstances.
When I'm angry with someone close to me, I
A) try to forgive
C) withhold love
Toss up here, too. depending upon circumstances and individual involved.
Are you angry at me, Neisha?
I'd prefer my child to share my
C) values
I would prefer to hear the opposite sex tell me I'm
A) intelligent
When it comes to talking about my emotions, I
A) tell it like it is
When I'm angry with someone close to me, I
A) try to forgive
I'm not angry, Linnette. I was only kidding.
I'd prefer my child to share my
C) values
I would prefer to hear the opposite sex tell me I'm
A) intelligent
When it comes to talking about my emotions, I
C) share only when necessary
When I'm angry with someone close to me, I
A) try to forgive
Chaz Thinks:
Values. Because if you teach your child values, they will learn the skills and well, who would want to have my personality any way. Right?
I guess I'd rather be funny. Humor, used properly can make the best of a bad situation. Remember, it's only what the opposite sex thinks. I know I'm intelligent.
Tell it like it is. (Even when I shouldn't. "Pray" for me.)
When I'm angry with someone close to me I demand more. In the way that I want to have it out. Get the crisis over and move on. I blow like a volcano and it is over. I guess I'm a product of watching people around me and hoping I can find ways to eliminate long term damage to relationships by keeping the decks clear of clutter when I can.
I've thought about this little quiz quite a few times. I wish I could have given different answers, but I answered honestly.
I don't like that I share my emotions "only when necessary". What a screwed up way to live. I know I don't say alot of things I feel because I don't want to feel that vulnerable. And besides, I think the majority of people don't want to hear deep feelings because it makes them uncomfortable. Or maybe people just don't care.
I'm glad this is buried deep within an old blog topic. ha.
Anyways, just my 2cents...
I think we all are miserable communicatiors with eachother--most always. And I think one day we are going to regret what we failed to say, and regret the time we failed to share. THAT is how I really feel.
I love you. You know that? I'm so glad you said that. Because, we are all this way! I think it's because we don't really invite emotion as a family, that we have all seen our share of anger and that it is easier to keep an even keel or 'medicate' (pick your poision, we all do it.) our problems than it is to stare real emotion in the face and deal with it.
Let me try to explain what I mean a little better. Sometimes especially when I'm around family I feel myself clamp up a little waiting for the conflict, it is a little bit like going onto a battlefield. I don't feel 'safe'. It's sad to me that I feel this way, because I know that in reality that I couldn't be any more safe, if the chips were down and I needed protection. But the sad truth is that it's very hard in our family to really talk about emotions and what you are scared of. It's like being on a stage and feeling like you are looking into the spotlight and hoping for a connection, but you can't really see the faces that are around you.
Just once I'd love to have my entire family together for a wholesome time that didn't involve cocktails or a kareoke machine. I know that this is 'what we do' but why can't we do something else?
Remember back when grandpa was alive and we all went to Live Oak Park in Fallbrook for me that will always be the golden moment of my childhood. Either that or being at Vacation Villiage. Now, as an adult, I think back to the time when we were all in the motorhome for Tavia's birthday and the walk that we all took that last morning. I felt the connection, a real one with everyone on that walk. It was early in the day and we all just talked as we walked. I can't remember what we said, but I remember how it made me feel. Grandma spent a few really nice moments with each grandchild (I watched her do it, and I knew it was really special even then.) I think those moments take actual planning, they don't happen by accident.
We are raising a new generation of Trainors now, funny as it is to think of, and I want very much for us to give them things that they will remember - quality of time and emotion. Simply being together doesn't mean that you have been togeher.
So I guess I am feeling a little bit 'homesick' for all of you, I wish I wasn't so far away, but sometimes I don't know how to be closer.
This is great stuff!
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