April 26, 2008

Stealing a Nation: Diego Garcia

The tropical island, Diego Garcia, has a huge US air and naval base which was the launch pad for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. In the past year, the Bush administration has made improvements that point toward its use in a possible attack on Iran.

But, the story of Diego Garcia is shocking, almost incredible. It is a shameful episode in British and US history (1968-1973) in which both governments tricked the islanders out of their homes to make way for the US military base. The Pentagon in Washington calls it an indispensable platform for policing the world. The island is also used as a "black site" prison, part of the CIA's secret "rendition" program for captured terrorist suspects. And, you can only imagine what goes on there.

If you are interested in the depressing and sad story of how the island was stolen from its indigenous, peaceful population, click here.

Otherwise, carry on.


linnette said...

I still think an attack on Iran is in the works. Latest news: US warns Iran of retaliation over Iraq action. America's top military officer has ratcheted up the pressure on Iran by issuing an unusual public warning that the Pentagon is planning for “potential military courses of action”.
Admiral Mike Mullen blamed the Iranian government for its “increasingly lethal and malign influence” in Iraq. He said conflict with Iran would be “extremely stressing” for America’s overstretched forces, but added: “It would be a mistake to think that we are out of combat capability.”
Mullen said he was increasingly concerned about Iran’s growing involvement in supplying munitions and training to rebel Shi’ite militias.
A Pentagon source said the admiral’s frankness was “extremely significant” and could pave the way for some form of attack on Iran.
Mullen’s tough rhetoric came shortly after General David Petraeus, the US commander in Iraq responsible for the troop surge, briefed Congress about the “nefarious activities” of the Quds (Iran) force in stirring violence in Iraq.
Petraeus was nominated last week to take over as commander of all US forces in the Middle East [his reward for being such a good puppet] from Admiral William Fallon, who resigned in March after becoming an outspoken critic of American policy towards Iran.
American officers claim that Iran is responsible for new, highly dangerous roadside bombs in Iraq and accuse Iranian-trained militants of responsibility for the deadliest rocket and mortar attacks on Baghdad’s green zone.
Moqtada al-Sadr, the Iranian-backed radical Shi’ite cleric, called on his followers at Friday prayers to stop fighting Iraqi troops and unite against “the occupiers” – US troops.

Anonymous said...

I listened for 8:53 until I couldn't take it any more. WHEN does he start talking about Diego Garcia?

Anonymous said...

"At first, the islanders were tricked and intimidated into leaving; those who had gone to Mauritius for urgent medical treatment were prevented from returning. As the Americans began to arrive and build the base, Sir Bruce Greatbatch, the governor of the Seychelles, who had been put in charge of the "sanitizing," ordered all the pet dogs on Diego Garcia to be killed. Almost 1,000 pets were rounded up and gassed, using the exhaust fumes from American military vehicles. "They put the dogs in a furnace where the people worked," says Lizette Tallatte, now in her 60s," ... and when their dogs were taken away in front of them, our children screamed and cried."

Those M&%^*%$&ers!

Anonymous said...

This is where the story can be read--

it's better than listening to Obama...

linnette said...

Sorry, I must have put up the wrong video, Neisha!

I will fix right now.

linnette said...

Link is now fixed. My apologies! In the future, I will make sure that I check the links before finalizing the post.

Anonymous said...

This video looks SO good, Linnette. I will definitely watch it later today. I read the Chalmers Johnson book "Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire," which you turned me onto, which delineates so many of these shameful episodes in our nation's history. Because of that book I've watched some of Johnson's videos. He's obviously a man of integrity. One such video here:


linnette said...

John, thanks for that video link in your above comment. It shows how fragile the system is. Everyone should watch.

Anonymous said...

Now Linnette, you presenting this story just shows you are un-American. This all happened 40 years ago. What’s the big deal? After all some of these people had been on the island for 5 generations. That’s long enough, time to move over and share the space. You know the U.S. needs Diego Garcia for rendition purposes.
Besides the U.S. first choice was an island called Aldabra Atoll. But there was a rare breed of turtles on that island so they got Diego Garcia which was only inhabited by human beings.

This is all for the good of the people. Their safety is paramount. There are floods, earthquakes and global warming on the island and it would be dangerous for them to return. Besides how would they make a living there? Besides, the British government has paid them, just like they do in eminent domain. The case has been in and out of the courts for decades and the latest appeal will be heard on June 30th of this year, so the people are being given a fair hearing.

Truthfully, I don’t understand why this is called “Shocking”. It is SOP for those in power, no different than a thousand other stories of abuse by those in power. Aren't you proud to be an American? USA, USA, USA

Anonymous said...

Next week we will present the story of the American Indian.

linnette said...

Carol, you are FUNNY!!!

Anonymous said...

Linnette, your blog does give out a weekly "Blogger of the Week" prize doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Well. . . let me know before I comment further.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure she thinks she is gonna get some good comments out of me before she let's me know that there is no prize money involved. Well . . . she'll just have to find out the hard way.

Anonymous said...

Hmm. She must be really busy today.

Anonymous said...

"I'm sure she thinks she is gonna get some good comments out of me..."

hahahaha that made me laugh!

SoCalT said...

I started watching this video and couldn't take it. Sad. When it got to the part about the dogs being killed, that was it, i turned it off

Anonymous said...

Well, a week after I said I would, I just finished the entire video. Yet another example of British and American arrogance.

Thank you for this, Linnette -- it's very enlightening. Don't you get a little sick of hearing our government justify so many unwise decisions and policies with that catch phrase, "it's in OUR interest"? One of Bush's favorite lines, "it's in our national interest" is used repeatedly AD NAUSEAM.

